Nominations Open for National Bravery Awards

Nominations Open for National Bravery Awards

Nominations for the Law Enforcement Congressional Badge of Bravery awards are now open.

The awards honor officers who have displayed exceptional acts of bravery in the line of duty that involved personal risk or resulted in physical injury. Each year, medals for federal, state and local law enforcement are awarded by the U.S. Attorney General and presented by the recipients’ congressional representatives.

An act of bravery is defined as sustaining a physical injury while engaging in lawful duties or performing an action deemed brave by the nominating agency’s leadership, while being at risk of injury or death. Posthumous nominations are permitted.

Federal or state and local Law Enforcement Congressional Badge of Bravery boards review nominations and submit recommendations to the U.S. Attorney General.

The awards were instituted 10 years ago when Congress passed the Law Enforcement Congressional Badge of Bravery Act of 2008.

Agencies can submit nominations and find more information at Deadline for submissions is Friday, Feb. 15. The act of bravery must have occurred during 2018. More than one person from a single agency may be nominated. Questions concerning the nomination process can be directed to

Photo by John Valenzuela, The Redlands Daily Facts/SCNG

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