Take Action: Make the R.I.G.H.T. Choice and Intervene
The Strathmoor Village Police Department at the Founders Union Building, 450 N. Whittington Parkway, Louisville, will host the “Take Action: Make the R.I.G.H.T. Choice and Intervene” courses. The Base Course will take place on Monday, Feb. 24, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Registration for this course is limited to a maximum of 30 participants, and the registration deadline is Feb. 11.
CLICK HERE to register for the Base Course.
The department will also host the Train-the-Trainer course on Tuesday, Feb. 25, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Those wishing to sign up for the Train-the-Trainer course must attend both classes. This course is limited to a maximum of 14 participants, and the registration deadline is also Feb. 11.
CLICK HERE to register for the Train-the-Trainer course.
This no-cost program aims to train, encourage, and empower law enforcement personnel to actively intervene to prevent colleagues from making policy or procedural mistakes or engaging in unprofessional, unethical, or criminal conduct. Through facilitated discussions, group activities, and role-play exercises, participants will analyze the factors that inhibit officers from intervening, identify law enforcement-specific barriers to effective intervention, examine the duty to intervene within legal standards for law enforcement and recognize the key benefits of effective intervention.
For more information, email sereboff@theiacp.org.