DOCJT Course Critiques Move Online

DOCJT Course Critiques Move Online

DOCJT in-service training is moving away from paper course-critique forms. Upon completion of DOCJT law enforcement, Certified Court Security Officer or dispatch classroom training, students now will receive an email to complete an online course critique.

DOCJT course critiques benefit the agency, and ultimately the clients, in a multitude of ways. They provide instructors feedback about the course content and quality of teaching, for example. The critiques also provide DOCJT with information about client needs and what they want to see in future training.

Students attending classroom training will be asked by the class coordinator to provide an individual, unique email where they wish to receive the survey. This email should not be directed to training directors or generic agency email addresses. Preferably, students should submit the address they use for their ACADIS student portal account.

Course critique responses will continue to be recorded anonymously as always. Students will receive the email survey to complete the critique three days after the conclusion of their training.

This procedural change began in January 2020. Any questions should be directed to

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DOCJT Basic Training Class 507 Graduates

DOCJT Basic Training Class 507 Graduates