Education key in gaining certifications through Kentucky's CDP program.
Education key in gaining certifications through Kentucky's CDP program.
The 2017 DOCJT Client Survey is now available for all Kentucky law enforcement personnel input
Career Development Program helps officers and dispatchers achieve their goals.
Kentucky agencies use Angel Initiative to fight addiction with treatment and compassion instead of jail time.
From criminal investigations to pre-employment screening and internal-affairs, polygraph can play a major role in law enforcement investigations. The National Polygraph Academy graduated 23 new students at DOCJT on June 9.
A profile of Operation UNITE’s 14-year history in helping rid eastern Kentucky of its drug epidemic.
There are daily tragedies that are impossible to predict, but it is Commissioner Mark Filburn's hope that everyone who puts on a uniform will consider the importance of these six factors.
There are two ways to climb the upward ladder – as a manager or as a leader. But what is the difference between managing and leading, and is one truly better than the other?
Consumed with his passion for physical fitness and defensive tactics, Instructor Brian Spencer has spent three years at DOCJT training recruits to become the most fit-for-duty officers they can be.
Drinking water impacts everything from proper organ function and metabolism levels to overall energy and mental focus.
The 18th annual KLEMF Memorial Ceremony honored three historical fallen officers and commemorated the life and legacy of 2015 fallen Officer Eric Chrisman.
Ashland Chief Todd Kelley calls incorporating the TSO program a "no-nonsense" decision.
Community-oriented policing has helped bridge the gap between London police officers and residents of the southeastern Kentucky city, located just off Interstate 75.
An organization committed to sharpening the saws of Kentucky law enforcement trainers was created last month, with steering committee members named to represent each of four state regions.